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Upcoming Courses

A Business Course to Change Your Life

The Psychology of 'Being an Independent'

Getting motivated
£ 10
  • Avoiding a negative mindset
  • Financial realities
  • Understanding what you want and what you need
  • Real life examples and how to set your achievable goals
  • Understanding your own skills

Buying audiology equipment without overpaying

Simple buying pointers
£ 10
  • Micro-suction equipment
  • Audiometry equipment
  • Shop fit out, home visit?
  • Avoiding stuff that could ruin you before you start!
  • Other considerations

Setting up a new Audiology Business, part 1

A workable business plan
£ 100
  • Acquiring a site
  • Understanding your target market
  • Establishing a USP
  • Establishing an Identity
  • Easy & effective marketing

Setting up a new Audiology Business, part 2

A workable business plan
£ 100
  • Buying
  • VAT
  • Pricing
  • Adding Value
  • The 3 Rs

Setting up a new Audiology Business, part 3

A workable business plan
£ 100
  • Manufacturer discounts
  • Managing Tax
  • Managing money
  • Adjusting your mindset
  • Diagnostic vs. Holistic

With Robert Donnan, MD of The Hearing Practice Group

An interactive discussion that could involve fellow audiologists near to you. We maintain confidentiality at all times. Most participants find our sessions extremely beneficial.